Monday, March 18, 2013

Week Three (CON)

The week of reduced knee function wears on as annoying and frustrating as ever. I've spent all week trying to get up stairs and failing as well as walking across campus with a lovely limp. The brace completely stops my knee from bending, which you don't realize how much you rely on your knees until they're gone. Another frustration I face is people staring at me. I get a lot of looks in the direction of the brace and I want to tell people I'm not actually hurt but when I do that makes the accusatory glances even worse.

When they think you're injured they take pity on you that I feel I don't deserve that. So I explain the experiment to them, letting them know it's not really an injury. Some are interested, but most get upset in a minimal way. Overall this experiment is very stressful and upsetting in a way, and also very enlightening. It's shown me how people react to injury and how curious everyone can be when they see someone who is injured.


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